40 Forget The Past Quotes

Quotes on Forgetting The Past

40 Forget The Past Quotes
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Past is one of the chapters of your life. And you can’t move forward in your life until and unless you turn this chapter. Forget the past because it is the only way to achieve your goals. Release your past so that you are able to stand firmly in your present to make your future better. Below you will find 40 forget the past quotes so that you can let the things go and move on in your life.

Forget the past. Because as long as you will keep on thinking about past you will never be able to concentrate on your future. Its difficult to forget the good and bad experiences of past and many people are seen struggling to forget the past. Remember your betterment is in forgetting your past because otherwise it is going to affect your present as well as future. Take lessons from your past and implement them in your present to make your future better. Here I have compiled a collection on forget the past quotes.

I hope this this going to motivate you in moving forward in your life by forgetting your past.

Forget The Past Quotes

  1. If you really want to forget someone, don’t forget him/her by being angry with them. Because being angry means you care for them.
  2. Let your past go. Never think too much about it and learn to concentrate on your future.
  3. Yesterday is gone. There is nothing that you can do to make your past better. Forget it and make sure to make your future worth.
  4. Forget all the wrong things that you did in your past and promise yourself not to repeat them in future.
  5. Don’t waste your time by dwelling in the past and thinking of it. Learn to live in future ahead.
  6. Try forgetting your past, you will definitely feel good.
  7. Don’t live in the past and keep on regretting the wrong things that you did. Do something new!
  8. Forgetting the past is easier to say than to be done.
  9. Never let your past be an excuse of not concentrating towards your future.
  10. Some people believe in forgetting the past while some don’t. Every one has their own perception that can’t be changed.
  11. Never let past spoil your present growth.
  12. Don’t forget your past completely. Mould your past into raw material that is helpful in making your present and future better.
  13. Forget past, live today to enjoy your tomorrow.
  14. Never regret regarding your yesterday. Because you live in today. So try to best to make your tomorrow the best.
  15. No matter whether its good or bad, the past is meant to be forgotten.
  16. Its much easier to forget the past than to overcome the pain of bearing it.
  17. Don’t waste your time by dwelling in the past. Move on..
  18. Don’t reside in the past..
  19. Close your door on the past because past can't be chosen to be a stepping stone in making your future better.
  20. Your past always reside in you. It is your past that makes your present and future better. But remember don't let your past dominate your future ever.
  21. Expect something good today to happen no matter what has happened to you in your past.
  22. Forget your past completely. Just take experiences of your past to prepare for today.
  23. Forget your past and look forward because life is full of opportunities.
  24. Your past will never hurt you until you let it to do so.
  25. God has given each one of us the power to forget the past, so why don’t we utilize it.
  26. Its not easy to forget the past. But make sure you learn something from your past and implement in your future by keep moving on!
  27. Remember forgetting the past is very important. If you will keep on holding things of past in your hands how are you going to catch latest things.
  28. Its not easy to forget the past. The more you try to forget, the more you remember it.
  29. Rather than wasting your time on your past make sure to make your tomorrow better.
  30. We all have an annoying habit of remembering things of past that we should not.
  31. Forget the past and keep moving on in your life.
  32. In order to apologise for the mistakes done in the past, take right actions in your present.
  33. Don't let your past equal your future.
  34. Moving on in life doesn’t mean you have forgotten your past. It means you have the courage to learn from it, accept it and move on.
  35. I will say never forget your past, because if you will do so you will repeat the same mistakes in future again.
  36. Most of the people look back at where they have been rather than where they are going.
  37. Use your past and its memories to make your future better. But don't let your past use you.
  38. Sometimes its good to remember your past and look forward to something that is coming ahead.
  39. Concentrate on forgetting the past and developing your future.
  40. Forget the past because otherwise it is going to use too much of today.
  41. No matter how rich a person is, but no one wants to do all the mistakes that he did in his past. So its better to forget your past.
  42. Your past is just like a dark shadow. Don’t let it follow you.
  43. Losers dwell in the past, but winners enjoy their present.
  44. If you think that thinking too much about your past will make it better, then sorry to say but you are residing on some different planet.
  45. Forget all your past and the mistakes that you did. Just remember the things that you have to do next.
  46. Don’t worry! Forget your past because your future has plenty of it for you.
  47. Everyone has past but wise is the one who forgets it and keeps on moving forward in life.
  48. Forget your past and you will be able to find a better version of yourself.
  49. Your past gives you the knowledge. So forget everything else and just keep that knowledge with you.
  50. God has given you the power to forget, so make sure that you utilize it.
  51. The only thing that you can do is forget the past and keep on moving forward in life.
  52. Forgetting the past is a secret to a happy life.

If you want to live in the present, learn from your experiences of past. So forget the past because it is pointless to keep on thinking about the things that happened in the past.

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